In which the tragic death of ten expatriates haunts our negligent hero. At least they died free. Also, War Corgis and Marketing Goblin Sweat -VIII

  • 0:33 Bravemule
  • 9:00 Reddit thread about complexity
  • 25:09 Tragedy strikes Tony’s game.
  • 29:18 Impending Retirement of SizzledWheels
  • 34:05 Madame JackalWoman for Mayor
  • 38:22 Dev Notes
  • 46:18 Wrap Up


4 thoughts on “In which the tragic death of ten expatriates haunts our negligent hero. At least they died free. Also, War Corgis and Marketing Goblin Sweat -VIII”

  1. Another quality episode gentlemen! Thank you for touching on Bravemule. I look forward to a more in-depth discussion about it once all three of you have had time to read it. Roland, don’t be discouraged about not knowing what’s going on in the story; it is written in a very stylistic, off-kilter manner. I had to read the whole thing several times through before I felt I had a true grasp of what was going on (and even then I’m sure there’s a bunch of stuff I missed). Also, I feel like quite a bit of the ‘flavor’ of Bravemule is embellishment versus a straight transcription of in-game events. That’s why I would love to hear an interview with the author: to find out how much was taken directly from the game and how much was their own addition.

    Anyway, keep up the great work and I look forward to the next episode!

    1. Thanks for checking in again. I think I should add BraveMule to my daily chores. Maybe read a month at a time. I really do like the idea of doing that sort of thing to help yourself dig into the emergent narrative – I might have to try it.. assuming I ever get back to playing more. It’s odd, since we started this podcast I’ve acually *played* DF less than before. I gotta fix that!

  2. Just found this and in the process of catching up. Enjoying every minute of it. You even introduced me to kruggsmash. Keep it up.

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