We had a wonderful visit with the team behind Dwarf Fortress, including some details of gameplay, the future of the game, and other interesting stuff. Zach and Tarn are wonderful people and it’s always great to hear them delve into the details behind the mechanics of the game. We really appreciate them taking time from the flurry of activity leading to the release to talk with us. Enjoy! We certainly enjoyed speaking with them.
Greetings folks, Jonathan here – hope everything’s going well for you.
I know that we’d planned to do an episode detailing advanced world generation this time around, but as things worked out… we’ve not done that.
Instead, we’re starting our summer hiatus a bit earlier than planned – which feels about right – seems this first half of the 2022 season has had a lot of hiccups and delays. We take these breaks twice a year to make sure the show doesn’t turn into a job – Dwarf Fortress Roundtable is a hobby for us and we love doing it, but there is definitely work that goes on behind the scenes – and taking time off a couple times a year helps make sure it doesn’t turn into drudgery.
In any case, we’ll be back in September and we’ll definitely do that advanced world generation episode within the first couple episodes. – unless of course we have a new release to cover, in which case we’ll play it by ear.
As usual, we’ll be suspending our Patreon donations while we’re in our dormant state – and I’d like to thank all our patrons for their continued financial support – When we do the fake ad reads during the episodes and say “This segment of Dwarf Fortress Roundatable is made possible by…” – those patreon donations absolutely make the podcast possible – so thank you so much.
Also, We’d like to extend our warm thanks to all of you out there that download and listen to each episode. We had no idea that we’d get through 70 episodes when we started this thing – and our listenership has been growing steadily the whole time. Thank you so much and we look forward to doing this for the long haul.
So everybody have a good remainder of your northern hemisphere summer and southern hemisphere winter, and we’ll talk to you again in September. Happy Fortressing everyone.
Thanks to Tarn for sharing all those stories of Scamps’ rambunctiousness on the Dwarf Fortress Talk podcast. Sounds like he was a cat Urist would really have admired.