Ep. 94: Shooting the Breeze with BlindIRL

BlindIRL joins us to discuss a lot of random stuff.

This episode, we talk about lots of stuff with BlindIRL. Including blue vampires, procedural portraits, the DF Wiki, a good time is had by all.

Link to pix that Blind put in our Discord.

Download the Gernund creature, by Rurik:

Notes Edited 2023-12-04, revised the creature file – changed [SWIMS_LEARNED] to [SWIMS_INNATE] at Rurik’s request.

Ep. 93: RAW Pickles and Eggplant plant plant with Tekkud

Fun With Plants, and !FUN! with weremoose!

Tekkud joins us for a fairly deep dive into RAW editing. Plus, Jonathan loses ANOTHER fortress to werebeasts.

Here’s a link to download ZDaemon, and the name of my server (look for it on Doomseeker – installed with ZDaemon) is Johans Dwarfy Doom, and the password to enter is “urist”.

Note that they warn not to install to Program Files or Program Files (x86). Join the Discord Server if you’d like to play before December 10th – I intend to do some trial runs, and I’ll post my intended schedule on Discord in the landing-area as early as possible. But ping me and I’ll play anytime I’m available

Right now, the plan is to start playing on December 10th around 5PM Central Standard Time (US) and play until around 1AM CST, but I can look to start earlier than that if it’s better for other folks.

Ep. 92: More Dwarfy and Hacky Releases!

Hello everyone! This episode we talk about version 50.11 of Dwarf Fortress, and 50.11-r2 of DF Hack.

Hello everyone! This episode we talk about version 50.11 of Dwarf Fortress, and 50.11-r2 of DF Hack. Plus, the harrowing end of Newtower of Showing, Tony resurrects a civilization, and Roland plays Fallout 4.

Ep. 91: Spookyfort and Adventure with Delphonso

Delphonso joins us this episode, and we discuss Spookyfort IV: the Overlook and the announcement of the Adventure Mode roadmap.

Joining us this episode is Delphonso, administrator of Spookyfort on the Bay 12 Forums, and one of the organizers of the archive activity earlier this summer brought about by the Imagr fiasco.

Links to forts mentioned in the episode:

Also, the voxelizer website can be found here

Ep. 90: 50.10, 50.10-r1, and AI

In this fun episode, We discuss the new releases of DF and DF Hack, our fortresses, and the role of AI in DF and video games.

In this fun episode, We discuss the new releases of DF and DF Hack, our fortresses, and the role of AI in DF and video games.

Ep. 89: Mystery Baroness Consort

This episode we discuss our fortresses, multithreading impact, and Roland’s trip to Gamescom.

Hi folks – this episode we discuss our fortresses, multithreading impact, and Roland’s trip to Gamescom.

We’re still trying to track down the exact video where Putnam discusses dwarven needs, but here’s a video that is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79J3X8ulER0

Ep.88: We’re Back!

Hey you wonderful folks. We’re back for another season of Dwarf Fortress Roundtable. And now we have a Discord server!

Join our new Discord Server: https://discord.gg/fYXX7p6nP

Ep. 87: Mailbag, Mushrooms, and !FUN!

Hey there friends – we wrap up the first 2023 session by checking in with our listeners and shooting the breeze. It’s been a fun year so far – thanks for joining us on the way!

Ep. 86: Dwarves and Podcasting, with the A Strange Mood podcast

Kristen and Drew join us for chaos and conversation as we negotiate technology like a blindfolded dwarf walking up the ramp of that mother ship in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.